Ways god speaks in the bible

But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of. The bible warns about adding anything to the already written, god breathed word of god, or accepting any other messenger who claims to be superior to. He longs for us to dig into his word and discover what he wants us to know. He speaks silently and secretly, not in thunders and lightnings, as at sinai exodus 19. Thats what we explored in my last post and podcast. This is by far the most foolproof way to hear from god on a daily basis. As we discuss the remaining four ways that god speaks to us, it is important for us to know that in all of these ways, and in any other way that god speaks to us, we will also always hear that inner voice of god in our mind. Anything she wants to do, even things condemned by the bible, she justifies by saying that she talked with the lord about the matter, and he told her it was alright. Regardless of the way god chooses to reveal himself or speak to us today, remember one truth. The glorious change in god s way of speaking since the coming of our lord to earth, and his powerful death and glorious resurrection god now speaks to us always in his son. He told noah to build an ark and spoke to moses in a burning bush.

God speaks through preachers and teachers, but he can also speak through our spouse, kids, friends and even enemies. He used nature, miraculous signs, prophets, a gentle whisper 1 kings 19. Then at the opposite end of the spectrum, we find christians who claim to have seen signs and wonders, to have had socalled words of knowledge and prophecies over. God has his own ways of speaking to man, which are not those that job has been expecting. Revelation through prophets prophecy access to god past. We have to develop an understanding of who god is and the way he does things. Because god treats each of us as unique children, he doesnt communicate the same way to all of us.

How many times did god speak directly to a man in the bible. In the past god spoke to our forefathers through the prophets at many times and in various ways, but in these last days he has spoken to us by his son, whom he appointed heir of all things, and. God speaks to those in a position to hear him, in ways that are intelligible to us, in the company of others. This is the most clear and effective way of god s communication with his people. The bible is not just an old book, but the inerrant, authoritative word of god and the only source of truth. In the past he spoke in many different ways, and that is true today as well. God has the ability to speak to those who believe in him, even if its not through an audible voice, the rev. However, here are eight ways god often speaks to us today. How god speaks to us through dreams and visions beliefnet.

God will never tell you to do, think or say anything contrary to his word. The bible speaks of six ways that god speaks to us. Long ago, at many times and in many ways, god spoke to our fathers by the prophets, 2 timothy 3. God uses human channels to speak words of prophecy, tongues and interpretation and words of wisdom and knowledge 1 cor. However, here are eight ways god often uses to communicate with us. He features prominently in exodus through deuteronomy and, in fact, wrote all four books. When we expect him to speak to us only in predictable ways, we forget that god is much more complex than our perception of him. God speaks in different ways, and we dont always recognize his voice. In order to actually hear from god, we have to know some things about god s character. This can happen directly where the other person knows about our. Jesus, the bread of life, taught us to pray, give us this day our daily bread matt.

The logos the bible is a main way god speaks today, but it is not the only way. Here are 10 great example of when god spoke and speaks. The clearest way to hear god speak is not audibly, as you say, but through his word. A friend of mine, who is very religious, is constantly telling me that god speaks to her directly. I have found a wonderful way to listen to god through the bible, which i would like to share with you. There are many, many ways god communicates with his people. Jesus said his sheep hear his voice and follow him. God speaks through his word experiencing god first15. The logos the bible is a main way god speaks today but it is not the only way. The bible says that jesus is the brightness of god s glory and god speaks by him. It is through the bible that we learn who god is, what he values, how to trust him. God can speak to people in many different ways and guide them with their cooperation. The only way you can find out is by listening to god, more with your ears than with your heart, and learning to recognize his still, small voice. Within these stories we see the power of a people focused on following god s leadership, and the.

Out of the heavens he let you hear his voice to discipline you. Throughout the bible, the importance of speaking the truth is routinely emphasized in keeping a pristine relationship with god. All scripture is godbreathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of god may be thoroughly equipped for every good work 2 timothy 3. The bible is god s word, everything we need to know in order to. God uses the mundane to produce the miraculous mention the name jochebed and most people give you a blank look. If you have a thought and you dont know if its god or notyou can look it up in the bible. The book goes into a lot of detail about how you can expect god to react, what kinds of expectations he has for us, and most specifically, how he expects. As we continue our series looking at different ways god speaks to us as his children, today were going to look at the role of scripture in hearing god. When people ask about finding the will of god for their lives, i point them to the scriptures.

God speaking then the lord said to moses, thus you shall say to the sons of israel, you yourselves have seen that i have spoken to you from heaven. Its important to know what he says so that we can know the truth and be able to detect lies. If we want to know the mind of god so we can know the will of god, we can read the word of god because god speaks to us through his written word. We will examine the question how did biblical writers get the information they conveyed in their writings. Lets look at a few times the lord spoke directly to someone in the bible. It is important to lay aside ideas of how god ought to have worked, and go to the bible to draw the information. And night or day, visions are one way god speaks to us. The testimonies of god aka the bible counsel us, lead us, and guide us in the ways of god. Scripture is god speaking to us, revealing himself to us, leading us in his ways. God speaks to all men through creation see romans 1. The bible says that god has exalted his word above his name psalm 8.

For god does speak now one way, now another though no one perceives it. Graham, founder of the billy graham evangelistic association, says in his my answers questionandanswer column on the organizations website that god can communicate in a variety of ways, including through prayer, the church community, and the bible. Reading the bible is a great way to both spend time with him and hear from him, resulting in a closer relationship with him. Four ways god speaks to you pastor ricks daily hope. Then the lord said to moses, thus you shall say to the sons of israel, you yourselves have seen that i have spoken to you from heaven. Because of that, god doesnt speak the same way to all of us. If you want to know how things work perfectly, you need to read the manual. The bible is filled with accounts of god speaking to individuals, to families, and to nations. There are some among the family of god who tell us that the only way that god speaks today absolutely the only way is through the bible. We are also called by god himself to spread the gospel to all nations.

Satan has his own sinister ministers and can do miracles too, so be careful about who you think is speaking to you. God s primary way of speaking to us is through his word. Gods word is the number one undiluted way through which god speaks. Jesus, the bread of life, taught us to pray, give us this day our daily bread mt. Here are six different ways god speaks to us in our daily lives. These bible verses show the significance of truth in biblical times and our modern day lives truth is an universal topic that we all seek to know and understand. Now the greek word that denotes the bible as a whole and is god s revelation to us is logos. God, after he spoke long ago to the fathers in the prophets in many portions and in many ways.

The pages of scripture contain so many amazing stories of how god spoke to his people. He will never contradict his word, and the message he gives will always bring glory to god. One sure way to know if youre hearing god s voice is to line up what you hear against the word of god. God speaks to us when we read the bible on nearly every issue that applies to modern living. God first conversed with the world by speaking to adam in the garden of eden. When we read it, were hearing directly from the lord. Eight ways god speaks to us today rebecca barlow jordan. The bible is full of stories of god speaking to his people god speaking to adam and eve in the garden as he walked and talked with them, god speaking to moses from the burning bush, god speaking to nebuchadnezzar in a dream. Through the bible the most obvious way god speaks to us is through his holy word, the bible. Methods of ot inspiration of the holy spirit, means of god speaking of old god spoke by the prophets. If youre not having a daily quiet time and reading the bible, god is getting a busy signal when he wants to speak to you. In a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep falls on people as they slumber in their beds, he. If youre wondering if god speaks to us through dreams and visions, the answer is yes.

For god speaks in one way, and in two, though man does not perceive it. God spoke to jonah first with his voice, but jonah didnt heed god s voice. All other methods of listening to god must be checked and compared with scripture to determine if we are accurately. First, god speaks to us through his word 2 timothy 3.

In part 1 of this series, well look at 5 common ways. God speaks by the holy spirit through the bible, prayer, circumstances, and the church to reveal himself, his purposes, and his ways. The bible tells us, and it shall come to pass afterward, that i will pour out my spirit on all flesh. And once we get ourselves in a posture to hear him, there are many channels god can use to guide us. By learning from god s wisdom and insight, we can live free from many problems that others experience simply because they dont know his word. Fortunately for us, all that information is available in the bible. There are so many treasures in the bible that we might miss when. Perhaps one of the ways i can sense god s presence the most and hear his voice the best is when i am praising him through music.

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